
Material studies

  • Optical near-field microscopy
  • Laser-FTIR spectroscopy
  • Ultrafast spectroscopy
  • Plasmonics
  • High-brilliance mid-infrared imaging and illumination
material studies

Life sciences

  • Multi-photon and deep tissue imaging
  • Coherent Raman microscopy
  • Two-photon excited fluorescence
  • Photothermal & photoacoustic imaging
life sciences

Environmental sensing

environmental sensing
  • Photoacoustic spectroscopy
  • Remote sensing


Multiferroicity in plastically deformed SrTiO3

X. Wang, A. Kundu, B. Xu, S. Hameed, N. Rothem, S. Rabkin, L. Rogić, L. Thompson, A. McLeod, M. Greven, D. Pelc, I. Sochnikov, B. Kalisky and A. Klein 

Hybrid Molecular Beam Epitaxy for Single-Crystalline Oxide Membranes with Binary Oxide Sacrificial Layers

S. Varshney, S. Choo, L. Thompson, Z. Yang, J. Shah, J. Wen, S. J. Koester, K. A. Mkhoyan, A. S. McLeod and B. Jalan

Probing the micro- and nanoscopic properties of dental materials using infrared spectroscopy: A proof-of-principle study

M. Beddoe, T. Gölz, M. Barkey, E. Bau, M. Godejohann, S. A. Maier, F. Keilmann, M. Moldovan, D. Prodan, N. Ilie, and A. Tittl

Revealing Mode Formation in Quasi-Bound States in Continuum Metasurfaces via Near-Field Optical Microscopy

T. Gölz, E. Baù, A. Aigner, A. Mancini, M. Barkey, F. Keilmann, 
S. A. Maier and A. Tittl

Multiplication of the orbital angular momentum of phonon polaritons via sublinear dispersion

A. Mancini, L. Nan, R. Berté, E. Cortés, H. Ren, S. A. Maier

Electrically switchable metallic polymer metasurface device with gel polymer electrolyte

D. de Jong, J. Karst, D. Ludescher, M. Floess , S. Moell , K. Dirnberger,

M. Hentschel , S. Ludwigs , P. V. Braun and H. Giessen

Near-Field Retrieval of the Surface Phonon Polariton Dispersion in Free-Standing Silicon Carbide Thin Films

A. Mancini, L. Nan, F. J. Wendisch, R. Berté, H. Ren, E. Cortés, S. A. Maier

Experimental Observation of ABCB Stacked Tetralayer Graphene

K. G. Wirth, J. B. Hauck, A. Rothstein, H. Kyoseva, D. Siebenkotten, L. Conrads, L. Klebl, A. Fischer, B. Beschoten, C. Stampfer, D. M. Kennes, L. Waldecker, T. Taubner

Electro-active metaobjective from metalenses-on-demand

J. Karst, Y. Lee, M. Floess, M. Ubl, S. Ludwigs, M. Hentschel and H. Giessen

Observing 0D subwavelength-localized modes at ~100 THz protected by weak topology

J. Lu, K. G. Wirth, W. Gao, A. Hessle, B. Sain, T. Taubner, T. Zentgraf

Plasmonics: Electrically switchable metallic polymer nanoantennas

J. Karst, M. Floess, M. Ubl, C. D., C. Malacrida, T. Steinle, S. Ludwigs, M. Hentschel, H. Giessen

Label-free detection of brain tumors in a 9L gliosarcoma rat model using stimu-lated Raman scattering-spectroscopy optical coherence tomography

S. Soltani, Z. Guang, Z. Zhang, J. J. Olson, and F. E. Robles

Tunable s-SNOM for Nanoscale Infrared Optical Measurement of Electronic Properties of Bilayer Graphene

K. G. Wirth, H. Linnenbank, T. Steinle, L. Banszerus, E. Icking, C. Stampfer, H. Giessen, T. Taubner

Interferometric near-field characterization of plasmonic slot waveguides in single- and poly-crystalline gold films

M. Prämassing, M. Liebtrau, H. J. Schill, S. Irsen, and S. Linden

Watching in situ the hydrogen diffusion dynamics in magnesium on the nanoscale

Julian Karst, Florian Sterl, Heiko Linnenbank, Thomas Weiss, Mario Hentschel and Harald Giessen

Pushing Down the Limit: In Vitro Detection of a Polypeptide Monolayer on a Single Infrared Resonant Nanoantenna

Rostyslav Semenyshyn, Florian Mörz, Tobias Steinle, Monika Ubl, Mario Hentschel, Frank Neubrech, and Harald Giessen

Robust and rapidly tunable light source for SRS/CARS microscopy with low-intensity noise

Heiko Linnenbank, Tobias Steinle, Florian Mörz, Moritz Flöss, Han Cui, Andrew Glidle, and Harald Giessen

Coherently broadened, high-repetition-rate laser for stimulated Raman scattering–spectroscopic optical coherence tomography

Francisco E. Robles, Heiko Linnenbank, Florian Mörz, Patrick Ledwig, Tobias Steinle, and Harald Giessen

Nanoscale Hydrogenography on Single Magnesium Nanoparticles

Florian Sterl, Heiko Linnenbank, Tobias Steinle, Florian Mörz, Nikolai Strohfeldt, and Harald Giessen

Nonlinear Spectroscopy on the Plasmonic Analog of Electromagnetically Induced Absorption: Revealing Minute Structural Asymmetries

Joachim Krauth, Thorsten Schumacher, Josselin Defrance, Bernd Metzger, Markus Lippitz, Thomas Weiss, Harald Giessen, Mario Hentschel

Wavelength-Dependent Third-Harmonic Generation in Plasmonic Gold Nanoantennas: Quantitative Determination of the d-Band Influence

Joachim Krauth , Harald Giessen, and Mario Hentschel

Unbiased All-Optical Random-Number Generator

T. Steinle, J. N. Greiner, J. Wrachtrup, H. Giessen, and I. Gerhardt

High repetition rate mid-infrared supercontinuum generation from 1.3 to 5.3 μm in robust step-index tellurite fibers

S. Kedenburg, C. Strutynski, B. Kibler, P. Froidevaux, F. Désévédavy, 

G. Gadret, J.-C. Jules, T. Steinle, F. Mörz, A. Steinmann, H. Giessen, and F. Smektala

Nearly diffraction limited FTIR mapping using an ultrastable broadband femto-second laser tunable from 1.33 to 8 µm

F. Mörz, R. Semenyshyn, T. Steinle, F. Neubrech, U. Zschieschang,  H. Klauk, A. Steinmann, and H. Giessen

Beam switching and bifocal lensing using active plasmonic metasurfaces

X. Yin, T. Steinle, L. Huang, T. Taubner, M. Wuttig, T. Zentgraf, and H. Giessen

Synchronization-free all-solid-state laser system for stimulated Raman scattering microscopy

T. Steinle, V. Kumar, M. Floess, A. Steinmann, M. Marangoni, C. Koch, C. Wege, G. Cerullo, and H. Giessen

Second harmonic generation spectroscopy on hybrid plasmonic/dielectric nanoantennas

H. Linnenbank, Y. Grynko, J. Förstner, and S. Linden

Second harmonic generation spectroscopy on second harmonic resonant plasmonic metamaterials

H. Linnenbank and S. Linden

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